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Student Society of Health-System Pharmacists

2005-2006 Meeting Minutes

February 6, 2006


SSHP General Meeting


The meeting began at 11:00 a.m. in HS 119 with an introduction of the officers and a review of the past semester’s events. 


Members in attendance:

Diana Hubulashvili                

Khanh Lam

Lindsay Garris                                   

Julie Lee

Deepmala Patel                      

Kendle Jagoo

Rand Mary                             

Mikesha Anderson

Kathleen Kawar                     

NgocHanh Le


Officer elections will be held in March.  Members will receive e-mail updates, and announcements will be made in class.  Positions available include President-elect, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.


National Poison Prevention Week is March 19-25.  The student society is planning a poison prevention program at an elementary school.  The purpose of this event is to educate children about poisons and what to do if they come into contact with a poison. There will be interactive games to teach children about medications and show how to recognize poisonous substances.  Last year Dr. Catherine Tom, a pediatric pharmacist, assisted members with the program at an elementary school in China Town.  The group set up a table in the school’s gymnasium, along with various other groups, during parent conferences.  This year Dr. Tom will be assisting again but would like to go into the classroom to work with the children.  Due to schedule conflicts with pharmacy school and elementary school classes, the program may need to be held the week before poison prevention week, which is the week of spring break.  Assistance was requested for finding a location.  Anyone with ideas will contact one of the club officers.  Members will be updated via e-mail regarding exact date, time, and location of the event. 


The club would like to have a banner made to display during events and at the club fair. A committee was formed to work on the project.  They will need to come up with a design using the club logo and the school’s name and find a place to make the banner.  Committee members include Diana Hubulashvili, Kathleen Kawar, Khan Lam, and Kendle Jagoo. 


Albany Day is March 28th.  Dr. Henry Cohen will be discussing CDTM, which is the major concern for pharmacists, during Dean’s hours. Attendance is mandatory for those students who plan to go to Albany.  Participation is highly recommended.


Dr. Nathan, the club’s adviser, suggested inviting a director of hospital pharmacy to come to LIU to talk to pharmacy student about hospital pharmacy and potential internship positions.  Dr. Nathan will contact the director at Maimonades to see if he is interested.


The meeting adjourned at 11:50 a.m.



September 26, 2005


SSHP General Meeting


The meeting began with an introduction from Lindsay Garris, chapter president, and Dr. Joseph Nathan, faculty co-adviser.  Dr. Quattrocchi was unable attend.  The first order of business was election of officers.  The duties of the officers were explained as stated in the governing documents.  Nominations were made.  Then each candidate gave a brief speech.  Each member present voted by secret ballot.  The votes were counted and the results were as follows:


President-elect: Wendy Rogers '08

Vice President: Deepmala Patel '07

Secretary: Rand Mary '07

Treasurer: Elizabeth Zadrozny '07


Upcoming events were discussed.  The annual Clinical Skills Competition (CSC) will be held on Friday, October 21 from 11-2:00.  Announcements will be made in clinical for P-5 students and P-6 students will be emailed by Dr. Nathan.  The winners will receive a complimentary registration for the Midyear Clinical Meeting (MCM) in December where they will compete in the national CSC.  The runners up will receive drug information books. 


October 23-29 is the first annual National Hospital and Health-System Pharmacy Week.  The national organization recommended holding a “brown bag” clinic where patients bring in their medications and receive medication counseling regarding safe and effective medication use.  Everyone agreed that a senior center would be the best place to hold the event.  Most members said they would be able to attend if the event were held on a Thursday or Friday.  Julie Lee will contact the director of the center where she volunteers to set up a date and time.  Deepmala will be in charge of the planning since she participated in a similar event over the summer.  Supplies will be ordered from the official pharmacy day store.  Patient education materials will be printed to distribute at the event.  Dr. Quattrocchi suggested having a speaker about the new Medicare Part D program and will contact us if she can arrange something.


The NYSCHP Executive Director Debra Feinberg and David Lormes of ASHP will talk to students about the benefits of ASHP membership on October 31 from 12-1:00.  The student society will co-sponsor the talk about residency programs given by Dr. Henry Cohen on November 7 as well as the residency showcase on November 14.  The MCM will be held in Las Vegas December 3-8.  The student society will send some of the most active members, budget permitting, to attend the meeting and participate in the various student activities. 


The frequency of meetings was discussed for the remainder of the school year.  Due to the number of annual events happening in the fall, the student society will communicate via email rather than through monthly meetings; however, the regular meetings will continue in the spring semester.