Each year, the American Association of Poison Control Centers receive over 2 million phone calls about accidental poisonings.
Over 50% of these calls are from parents of children 6 years and under; most ingestions involving prescription and nonprescription
medications. About 50 deaths occur annually. National Poison Prevention Week (this year it falls between March 20-26, though
the entire month is devoted to poison prevention) is yet another opportunity to educate families about the potential of poisonings,
especially in their own homes. Our pharmacy student chapter of the ASHP will be providing this service to the students of
P.S. 124 and their families by setting up an interactive poster, "Is it Medicine or Is it Candy?" and providing
pamphlets pertaining to poison prevention for educational purposes in English, Chinese, and Spanish. During this time, we
will also be available to answer any questions about safe medication use.
Dr. Tom's poison awareness slides